我们重视保障工作, and want to be able to provide support not just for our young people but for their families too. You are always more than welcome to come into the academy to discuss any concerns or worries you may have. We are also happy to provide links to support agencies or charities who can offer free and impartial 建议 confidentially on a range of issues. 请浏览以下我们推荐的机构.
育儿网家长资源现在的年轻人比以往任何时候都花更多的时间在网上. 从在线课程和家庭作业到游戏和与朋友共度时光, 有一系列的方式,年轻人占用他们的时间,无论是在手机上, 平板电脑, 游戏机或电脑. |
Childnet的 家长及照顾者工具箱 充满了快速, 你可以做一些简单实用的事情来帮助保护你的孩子上网. It includes help with how to talk to your child about how they spend their time online and how to communicate key online safety messages. 这个工具包很简单, easy to use and includes links to more detailed and specific information and support if you need it.
索尔福德茁壮成长-支持儿童和青少年的情感健康和幸福 |
Salford Thrive have produced a quick guide for schools in terms of signposting/accessing support for SEMH, 见附件. 可以找到完整的目录 在这里; |
关于游戏,父母和照顾者需要了解的内容: 请按此
以为你知道 is a website you can go to that will help answer your questions and to let you know how to be safe when you are using the internet. You probably use the internet for games or to talk to friends or even to search for information - 以为你知道 can help you stay safe.
请浏览网址: http://www.thinkuknow.co.uk/
不 在互联网上分享私人信息.
如果你不确定 DO 在你提供信息之前,请先咨询你的父母/照顾者.
DO 当你在网上冲浪的时候和你走在街上的时候使用同样的规则.
从来没有 与只在网上认识的人进行面对面的交流.
DO 接受你已经认识的人的好友请求,如果你和他们是好友的话; 不 接受陌生人的好友请求或信息.
网络欺凌 是当一个或更多的人试图取笑, 骚扰, 使用手机或互联网等技术手段威胁或使他人难堪.
儿童热线可以帮助你解决你可能担心孩子的各种问题, 包括心理健康问题, 任何关于健康的焦虑或问题, 生活状况或教育.
你可以免费打电话给他们私下交谈. 你可以联系儿童热线的咨询师,没有什么问题是太大或太小的.
免费拨打0800 11 11或访问 www.儿童热线的.org.uk
Young心s & CAMHS
Young心s are a charitable organisation who work with the Children and Adolescents Mental Health Service (CAMHS) to provide support, 向患有抑郁症的年轻人提供建议和咨询, 焦虑, 欺凌和饮食困难. They offer a parent helpline for parents and carers worried about their children's mental wellbeing.
你可以在网站上找到支持指南 http://youngMinds.org.uk/find-help/your-guide-to-support/
他们的家长热线电话是0808 802 5544.
心 are a nationwide mental health charity who are able to offer information and support for a variety of mental health issues. Working closely with the NHS they have a wide range of resources and information on their website, 包括心理健康A-Z, 帮助别人的建议, 支持和服务指南以及Elefriends——他们的在线社区. Everyone is affected by a mental health difficulty at some point in their lifetime and 心 are on hand to help.
请访问他们的网站 http://www.Mind.org.uk/
或者今天拨打0300 123 3393查询他们的热线.
护理人员直接 is for anyone who is looking after a family member who is ill or disabled or needs special help. 它是NHS网站的一部分,提供信息和建议.
有一个电话号码,你可以拨打0808 802 0202与人交谈
或者你可以访问他们的网站 http://www.nhs.uk/conditions/social-care-and-support/carers-assessment/#the-types-of-carer-support-available
T在这里 are lots of different people who can help you if you are being hurt at home or if you are worried about someone in your family being hurt at home. 这可能发生在任何人身上,但我们并不总是知道谁是正确的倾诉对象.
如果你在家里遭遇暴力,避难所是一个可以帮助你的组织. 他们的网站上有你可以找谁谈话的信息, 你怎么跟他们说话, 如果你担心怎么办.
你可以访问他们的网站 www.避难所.org.uk
全国防止虐待儿童协会 are t在这里 to talk to you if you are worried about a child being hurt or abused by someone They are able to offer support and to take some details from about what is happening. 他们还可以为年轻人提供咨询服务.
你可以访问他们的网站 http://www.NSPCC.org.uk/
你可以给他们发邮件 help@热线.org.uk 或者您可以拨打0808 800 5000
避难所 are able to offer housing 建议 to anyone who is experiencing or at risk of homelessness. 你可以找到关于如何处理Homelessness者的信息, 私人出租, 租赁保证金, 收回, 驱逐, 维修, 住房福利和理事会住房
你可以访问他们的网站 www.避难所.org.uk
If you are worried about how much you are drinking or how much a loved one is drinking t在这里 is lots of helpful 建议 and support on the drinkaware website. 他们也有一个有用的饮酒追踪器和工具来管理你的酒精摄入量. 在他们的网站上,你会发现一个酒精支持服务的列表,有帮助热线.
访问他们的网站: http://www.drinkaware.co.英国/ alcohol-support-services /
每个孩子都有权利在不愿意的时候不被成年人碰触. 切割女性生殖器官是非法的, 也是一种虐待, 因此,应该迅速而认真地处理. FGM comprises all procedures involving partial or total removal of the external female genitalia or other injury to the female genital organs for non-medical reasons.
英国防止虐待儿童协会为任何关心FGM的人提供了一条特别的帮助热线, 或任何受到FGM影响的人. 你可以拨打0800 028 3550或直接发邮件给他们 fgmhelp@热线.org.uk
如果你担心一个孩子有受到伤害的危险, or may leave the country for the purposes of FGM in the next 48 hours you can call the police on 999.
哪些问题不是迫在眉睫,但仍然很严重, 请拨打儿童服务台01452 426565
Forced Marriage
Forced Marriage调查组
The FMU is a 政府ernment initiative set up to support anyone who is worried about or is at risk of being forced into a marriage, 或者任何已经被迫嫁给别人的人. 一个训练有素的专业人士会给你免费的建议,告诉你下一步该怎么做, and help you with finding a safe place to stay or stopping a visa if you have been forced to sponsor someone. 你有权选择和谁结婚,什么时候结婚,或者是否结婚.
请访问他们的网站 http://www.gov.uk/stop-forced-marriage
Call their support line Monday to Friday (9-5) on 0207 008 0151 or during out of work hours on 0207 008 1500 and ask for the global response centre.
自由慈善 have been raising awareness and working hard to stop forced marriages from happening within the UK. 在他们的网站上你可以找到资源, information and direction for how to get support if you are concerned about someone or yourself.
请访问他们的网站 www.freedomcharity.org.英国/资源
或拨打热线0845 607 0133
或者你也可以发短信给88802,他们会给你回电话. 你需要发送信息“4freedom”。
如果你担心一个可能Pregnancy的年轻人, 对Pregnancy有任何疑问或知道自己已经Pregnancy并正在寻求帮助吗, 布鲁克能帮上忙. They are a national organisation dedicated to educating young people about pregnancy and sexual health, 并与其他支持服务和帮助热线建立联系. They also have a forum available for users to post questions and communicate with each other in a safe and supportive environment.
请浏览他们的网站 http://www.Brook.org.uk/your-life/category/pregnancy
家庭生活为父母提供倾听和支持,而非评判的服务. 他们的网站上有很多信息, 包括育儿建议视频和论坛,以便与其他家庭聊天. 他们还为那些想要为人父母的人提供在线育儿课程.
你可以访问他们的网站 www.婚姻.org.英国/我们怎么样才能让/ confidential-helpline
您也可以拨打他们的服务热线0808 800 2222获取信息, 建议, 在周一至周五上午9点至晚上9点或周末上午10点至下午3点之间提供指导和支持.
预防是关于保护人民和社区免受恐怖主义威胁. 它是CONTES的四大要素之一, 政府的反恐战略, 旨在阻止人们参与恐怖主义或支持恐怖主义. 内政部与地方当局合作, Multi-Academy信托, and a wide range of 政府ernment departments and community organisations to deliver the strategy.
随信附上一份对家长有帮助的指南 保护儿童和青少年免受激进主义和极端主义的侵害
STOPTHETRAFFIK是绿洲家族的一部分, 并致力于废除人口贩卖, 包括性剥削, somestic servitute, 劳动力的剥削, Forced Marriage, 器官收获, 强迫犯罪, 毒品交易和儿童兵. 在他们的网站上有发现人口贩卖迹象的资源, ways to help or get involved in what they do and a safe place to 分享 information on trafficking if you are worried about someone or at risk yourself.
访问他们的网站 www.stopthetraffik.org