绿洲是一个志愿者的运动, 在英国36个社区工作的活动家和专业人士. 通过我们的综合“社区中心”模式, we seek to create a new sense of neighbourhood in communities that had previously been forgotten by society so that everyone, 不管他们的背景和出发点如何, 能团结起来克服生活中的障碍,发挥上帝赋予他们的潜力吗.
绿洲社区学习 is part of a global family that collectively works around the world delivering a range of projects 和 services that help tackle social injustice in whatever form it manifests itself.
停止交通, 比如绿洲社区学习, is part of the group of organisations that make up the 绿洲 global family 和 is a pioneer in human trafficking prevention. STOP THE traffic通过激励来团结世界各地的人们, 通知, 装备和动员社区:
- 了解什么是人口贩卖
- 知道如何识别和应对
- 知道如何保护自己和他人
绿洲社区学习和停止贩运相信人口贩运和现代奴隶制是真正的全球性问题. 我们的目标是建立有复原力的社区, 通过把它们变成人贩子更难隐藏他们的活动和受害者的地方.
This statement sets out 绿洲社区学习's actions to underst和 all potential modern slavery risks related to its activity 和 to put in place steps that are aimed at ensuring that there is no slavery or human trafficking in its own business 和 its supply chains. This statement relates to actions 和 activities we will be taking during the financial year 1st of September 2022 to 31 August 2023.
作为教育部门的一部分, 该组织认识到,它有责任对奴隶制和人口贩运采取强有力的措施.
绿洲社区学习 is absolutely committed to preventing slavery 和 human trafficking in its mission to deliver exceptional education at the heart of the community, 和, 确保其供应链不受奴役和人口贩卖的影响. 绿洲社区学习 is actively working with 停止交通 to ensure that our work is free of human trafficking.
我们希望我们的五种精神价值观的包容, 的关系, 平等, hope 和 perseverance permeate everything we do 和 are obvious wherever 和 whenever anyone encounters 绿洲社区学习.
- 一种包容所有人的热情
- 平等对待每个人,尊重差异的愿望
- 对健康和开放关系的承诺
- 一种对事物能够改变和被改变的强烈希望
- 一种坚持不懈的感觉,让你坚持到底
- We were established in 2004 with a vision to create "卓越教育是社区的核心" 和 have since grown into a family of 52 Academies
- 我们目前服务超过32个,000名年轻人, 其中51%的人来自弱势群体,31%的人将英语作为额外的语言.
- We are determined to raise the educational bar for all our students 和 to close the educational gap that exists between disadvantaged students 和 their more privileged counterparts.
- 我们的学院分布在英格兰的四个主要地区, 提供任意一个主节点, 中等或全面教育.
- 我们强烈的精神是我们的教育提供不可或缺的一部分-它是我们性格的表达, 我们是谁的陈述,因此是我们评估我们所做的一切的镜头.
- 我们拥有4500多名员工,目前我们所有的业务都在英国.
有关我们的活动和结构的更多信息,请点击此链接 http://oasiscommunitylearning.finalsite.com/about-us/who-we-are
As part of our initiative to identify 和 mitigate risk we have identified the principal areas which carry material risks. 绿洲社区学习 ensures that suppliers are required to demonstrate their methods of corporate social responsibility during the tendering 和 selection process, 其细节可能因项目而异. Suppliers to 绿洲社区学习 are required to fully comply with the 现代奴隶制度 Act 2015 和 are confirming that they do so by accepting the 绿洲社区学习 Terms 和 Conditions. 绿洲社区学习 reserves the right to exclude any bidder who has been convicted of an offence under the 现代奴隶制度 Act 2015.
- 识别和评估供应链中的潜在风险区域.
- 减少在我们的供应链中出现奴役和人口贩运的风险.
- 保护举报人.
A considerable proportion of our procurement is with suppliers who are pre-approved either by a purchasing consortium such as Crown Commercial Services (CCS) 和 Crescent Purchasing Consortium (CPC), 或通过正式招标程序委任. 我们的供应链包括:
- 教育器材、教材及资源供应商
- 学生及教职员制服供应商
- 物业管理、维修及服务
- 信息通信技术设备和服务
- 餐饮服务及用品
- 清洁服务及用品
- 漫游音乐服务
- 供应/机构工作人员
我们已经确定,我们的一些采购发生在可能发生现代奴隶制犯罪的部门, 例如我们的清洁和餐饮供应链以及建筑行业. 在2021/22年度,我们将采取以下措施提高人们对这一问题的认识:
- 继续提高国民的意识, 区域和学院为基础的团队参与就业, 采购及管理, 在我们的供应链中出现现代奴役的风险
- Include compliance with the 现代奴隶制度 Act 和 Living Wage Accreditation as a condition or criterion in specification 和 tender documents wherever possible
- 确保我们的供应商入职流程包括遵守《全球十大赌钱排行app》的尽职调查
- 确保供应商能够使用我们的标准条款 & 需要遵守《十大靠谱买球网站排名》的条件
- 寻找高风险地区的供应商聚集机会, 比如清洁, 以更好地管理与现代奴隶制相关的风险
- 与主要合作伙伴密切合作,以更好地了解他们如何管理与现代奴隶制相关的风险
- 咨询我们认可的工会
我们已根据该法案检讨我们现有的政策和程序. 我们有信心,我们的政策能促进同事在工作和OCL内部的良好行为. Our policies 和 procedures are kept under review to make sure that they reflect the changing needs of 绿洲社区学习 和 of the staff, 学生/小学生及其所服务的社区.
Among the policies that we consider give us strength in avoiding modern slavery or human trafficking under the Act in 绿洲社区学习 are:
- 行为准则 & 保密
- 平等 & 多元化政策
- 分阶段推出我们的EDI员工网络论坛
- 欺诈政策
- 礼物,热情好客 & 关联方政策
- 更安全的招聘政策
- 检举政策
- Navex检举系统的分阶段启动
The whistleblowing policy has been amended to draw attention to the risk of modern slavery or human trafficking 和 to stress that a report of concern in relation to those matters can be made under the protection of the whistleblowing policy.
我们决心在绿洲社区学习中不允许有现代奴役或人口贩卖. 我们的政策证明了我们在整个组织内以道德和诚信行事的承诺.
All tenders for supply of services 和 or goods include a requirement for the supplier to report on their ethical trading including ensuring they also comply with the 现代奴隶制度 Act 2015.
我们已经讨论过法案了, 它的目的和绿洲社区学习在董事会会议上的态度. We have alerted the Executive Leadership Team to it 和 challenged them to continue to consider where the risk of modern slavery or human trafficking may arise within our organisation. We have provided guidance to our finance team 和 those involved in procurement of the need to avoid those risks 和 on possible indicators of them during the procurement of goods 和 services. We will continue to enhance the assurances we seek from suppliers as to their avoidance of modern slavery 和 human trafficking.
This statement has been approved by 绿洲社区学习’s Board of Directors 和 is made pursuant to section 54(1) of the 现代奴隶制度 Act 2015.
椅子上的 绿洲社区学习委员会